Your answers are completely confidential, and you won't have to provide identifying information about yourself. People say the study is fun, and it doesn't take
Chris Skidmore
Northwestern University
March 29th 2007 - May 29th 2007
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Beantworten Sie uns ein paar Fragen zu Managern. Gewinn: I-Pod Shuffle oder Amazongutschein im Wert von 90 Euro (Verlosung unter den Teilnehmern). Dauer der Befragung: 5-7 Minuten
Jasmin Huber
Universität Basel
March 16th 2007 - May 16th 2007
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This is an online study aimed at examining relationship experiences and feelings toward Internet use. It involves a series of short questionnaires refarding romantic relationship
Stephanie Pogan
Long Island University: CW Post Campus
March 15th 2007 - May 15th 2007
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Wie nehmen Sie Rauchen wahr? Testen Sie sich selbst und Sie erhalten eine individuelle Ergebnisrückmeldung!
Sarah Teige-Mocigemba & Christoph Klauer
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
March 14th 2007 - May 14th 2007
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We invite you to fill-in this questionnaire that intends to assess the characteristics of civic culture in a democratic state and a market-economy system. The
Diana Onu
University of Bucharest
March 13th 2007 - May 13th 2007
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This survey is part of a research project being conducted at the University of Exeter investigating the perception of time and its effects on different
Anna Rabinovich
University of Exeter, UK
March 7th 2007 - May 7th 2007
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Wie reagieren Verbraucher, wenn ein Produkt aufgrund von Mängeln vom Markt zurückgerufen wird? Beantworten Sie uns ein paar Fragen zum Fall des Rückrufs eines Sportgetränks
Arnd Florack
Universität Basel
March 6th 2007 - May 6th 2007
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This study investigates blogging practices, motives for blogging and the ways in which people explore their identity through blogging. Participants must be over 18 years
Danielle Williamson; Ann Knowles
Swinburne University of Technology
March 5th 2007 - May 5th 2007
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In dem Experiment geht es um die Beurteilung einer Führungsperson und um Ihre Zufriedenheit mit sich und der Umwelt. Zum Beispiel: "Wie sehe ich mich?"
Lea Brägger
Universität Zürich
February 27th 2007 - April 27th 2007
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Brief (about 10 minutes) study on why people enjoy the suffering of others and associated perpecptions
Bryan Lee Koenig
New Mexico State University
February 25th 2007 - April 25th 2007
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